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New Year Hair With Artistryhairsg

Finally Chinese New Year Visiting had come to an end, 2017 is so much more tiring compare to previous year or probably I became older and reluctant for visiting. However I will still doll up myself to prepare for CNY gathering, *Vainpot*

When it comes to Chinese New Year, it is always the best chance to doll up ourself, Manicure, Pedicure, Facial, Hair Dye/Treatment and anything you can think of to make you look good.

As my schedule was pretty packed I only manage to get a simple Manicure and most importantly getting my hair done with Artistryhairsg, I always say Chris have magical hands that make our hair so chio(pretty). Thanks Chris for being so daring and creative.

After much consideration, Chris decided to add Turquoise at the end of my hair.

It is pretty close to what I used to have in October 2016, I keep telling him how much I miss that colour so he pick on Turquoise it turns out to be what I like.

Chinese New Year Day 1

Chinese New Year Day 2

Feel so happy when you receive so much compliment, but well I love to have beautiful hair every month instead of just during CNY. Thank you Artistryhairsg & Chris for pampering my hair and giving me a chance to receive so much compliment this Chinese New Year.

February Promotion:

HairCut + 1 Step Mucota conditioning Hair Treatment at only at $58. (When undergo steamer process)

International Plaza, 10 Anson Road #03-32, Singapore 079903 Contact them at 6221 9255 (Strictly by appointment only)

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 1030am - 830pm

Saturday: 1030am - 7pm

Sunday: Closed

Quote "ANDREATAN" to enjoy up to 30% discount for all hair services

© Template by Wix, Edited by Andrea Tan Shi Hui

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