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[BEAUTY] Goodbye Mascara, Hello Eyelash Extension: Lashcology

[BEAUTY] Goodbye Mascara/Fake eyelashes,

Hello Eyelash extensions.

Days where you want to look good but you are just lazy to do so or rather you have no idea how to do so. Yes, i belongs to the second group of people who wants to look good but have no idea how I can do so. I sucks at doing make up, so I decided to go for eyelash extension.

It was my very first experience to eyelash extensions and I am really loving it.

Novalash 8mm,

Second try, Novalash 10mm

Lets talk about overall experience with eyelash extension.

I always have misconception that having eyelash extension will cause irritation and trouble during normal routine for bathing/washing face.

Let me share my experience, i usually have light coverage for daily outing.

I am using CC Cushion from Innisfree, it is serve as SPF and light coverage.

Therefore daily I will use make up remover wipes to remove the coverage.

So the first few days with new eyelash extension I try avoid using strength to wipe off the CC coverage around my eyes cause I am afraid my lashes would drop and so.

After 3rd day, I am getting lazy to be so gentle so I started to wipe normally as how I do so without eyelash extension.

Despite wiping your eyes area and so there is no eyelash dropping or colour dropping off. I am really amazed and started to get so into eyelash. It just look better when you have eyelash. :P

Till then, it is the 3rd coming 4th week after eyelash extension, the lashes is still so long lasting. Probably just a few strand that drop off and still look good to go without touch up.

All thank you to Lashcology for your awesome service for making my eyes beautiful.

Say yes to lazy girls like me who never like to put fake eyelashes.

They are so newly establishes so therefore there is limited post and stuff but trust me, i think it is really good enough.

Quote "Andreatansh" first 28 ladies will get first eyelash extension at $38.

Lets go be beautiful. <3



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